
Me vs. You

You are a joyless piece of shit whose “everyone sucks” philosophy makes you incapable of ever truly loving anyone, including yourself. So, like Shakespeare’s Iago, you go after anyone else who has a chance at real love and you try to ruin it for them because you’re jealous of their happiness.

Chris, a lot of people are like this. The best thing to do is accept it and rise above it. Don’t let their negativity influence you. That would be the pity. Being here (and other dark places) for a long time, even if you are originally well-intentioned, will start to warp you. Learn the source of their pain, heed their “warnings,” distance yourself from the resentful bitterness, and move on.

It sounds like you and your girlfriend have a great relationship. I am really happy for the two of you. Likewise my boyfriend is a wonderful and honorable man, and we have a lot of love. If people want to cut that down or spit on it, it’s their prerogative. Some people will forever paint a picture of life with a huge black brush and overlook the nuance in the small things, the little bright spots and joys of life.

I see what you are trying to do, and it is fruitless. Many have come here and not changed a single entrenched mind. It is like trying to convert some fundamental religious adherents. Save your positive energy for those who won’t reject it, rather than throwing it into a black hole of despair and “watch the world burn” doom and gloom. You will feel better for it, trust me.

And with that, I’m done here. You people will never be able to pull your heads out of your own asses long enough to actually listen to or respect another human being. Thank you Bonnie, Hope, and Ghost of Nicole for injecting some much needed common sense and decency here, but I am afraid it will never pierce the thick skulls of these misogynist douchebags. Let’s just hope none of them shoot anybody.
