
Only YOU

"Why Women Find Their Parents Unpleasant"
missdelite: That 7.2% accounts for men who love their mother so much no other woman can compare.

As for myself, I hate being around website administrators who - after 2+ years - don't feel I have anything of value to add to their site. I don't take it personally, but I think it's a crying shame when women don't support other women who challenge the status quo. Maybe if I peppered my comments with more super, oooh, totes, haz and squeee, I'd have a star by now, but that's not who I am and there's nothing wrong with that.

My comments have been promoted here more times than I can count, but I'm tired of seeing them show up in the grey in the first place. It's insulting to my intelligence that my presence here is given less consideration than Lindsay "Can't See Straight" Lohan and Kim "Toilet Bowl" Kardashian.

"Female Empowerment", my ass.

If there's one good thing to come out of me abandoning my Jezebel account, it's that I'll no longer have to look at my comment page dressed in that nauseating baby blue and pink colour scheme. It looks like a fucking nursery in here...oh wait.

I'm going to leave you all with one last thought: Only YOU hold the key to your own cage.

Later, Jezebishes