
In 2030

1. Lady Gaga will be considered one of the "greats" in music history.
2. Lady Gaga will be lauded as a pioneer alongside David Bowie, Madonna and the Gloved One.
3. Lady Gaga's outfits will be auctioned for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
4. Lady Gaga memorabilia will be considered sacred relics of a bygone era.
5. Lady Gaga's music videos will be considered either a) the gold standard of the medium or b) the last great examples of the medium.
6. The "Gaga Effect" will be a major influence on females in the industry, to the point where:
7. Female pop singers will only wear crotch-baring outfits in public.
8. Female pop singers will perform nude. Their nether regions will be pixilated to everyone in the viewing audience except for those who get to see them live.
9. Female pop singers will no longer eat.
10. Female pop singers will inhale electrolytic air and boast about how full they feel after a "meal".
10. Female pop singers will no longer sing.
11. In lieu of singing, female pop singers will dance, moan, grunt, snarl, yell and throw things.
12. Female pop singers will be celebrated for their songwriting skills, which will be viewed as an example of female "empowerment" - or the 2030 equivalent thereof.
13. Female pop singers will adopt a cause and become its poster woman. They will align themselves with a marginalized group that has deep pockets and can afford their merchandise (eg. Asthmatic Albino Investment Bankers). In other words, the gorillas are fucked. (But who are we kidding? There won't be any gorillas in 2030.)
14. Female pop singers will wear product logos embedded in their nail polish, contact lenses, dental veneers and tongue. These logos will change daily.
15. Girls will emulate and idolize female pop singers. They'll deride their mother's nostalgia for the days when female pop singers cared more about fashion than nudity, sang instead of grunted and there was this one pop star called "Lady Gaga" who was like nothing anyone had ever seen before.